Climate Change and Health

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How much disease would climate change cause?
Climate change will affect the pattern of deaths from exposure to high or low temperatures. However, the effect on actual disease burden cannot be quantified, as we do not know to what extent deaths during thermal extremes are in sick/frail persons who...
What are the health impacts of climate extremes
Climatic factors are an important determinant of various vector-borne diseases, many enteric illnesses and certain water-related diseases. Relationships between year-to-year variations in climate and infectious diseases are most evident where...
What are the major challenges for scientists studying climate change and health linkages?
The challenges in identifying, quantifying and predicting the health impacts of climate change entail issues of scale, “exposure” specification, and the elaboration of often complex and indirect causal pathways. First, the geographic scale of...
What can be done to protect populations from climate impacts? What is Adaptation?
Adaptation:Adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. Adaptive capacity:The ability of a system to adjust to climate change...